Curious to know the accuracy of polygraph? Review the published data, including the pros and cons, before scheduling a test.

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Curious to know the accuracy of polygraph? Review the published data, including the pros and cons, before scheduling a test.
The Michigan governor has issued an Executive Order. It temporarily suspends activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life
Learn good tips on how to prepare for a polygraph examination. This easy to read article is a good guide to review prior to scheduling the examination.
There are several different types of lie detection instruments, but which one is the best. Get details on voice stress instruments and polygraph.
Speaking a foreign language doesn’t prevent you from taking a polygraph. We are trained and have the resources to handle these requests.
Review Michigan law as it relates to polygraph and sex crimes. Did you know that anyone accused of CSC in MI as the right to take a polygraph.
Criminal Defense Polygraphs are not only useful to determine whether your client is telling the truth or not, but polygraph testing and their results will assist any criminal defense lawyer in determining the right approach, arguments and defenses for negotiating, taking a plea and/or taking your client’s case to trial. Polygraph in criminal defense is […]
Addiction Often times it is difficult for someone to admit that they have an addiction. Their addiction may go unnoticed and/or untreated. The use of polygraph testing by treatment professionals can aid in the treatment of sex addictions and/or pornography addictions. If these addictions are not addressed, they will often lead to issues in that […]